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Resources for Nebraska Poets

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National Federation of State Poetry Societies

All members of the Nebraska Poetry Society are also members of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies. Their goal is to recognize the importance of poetry with respect to national cultural heritage. It is dedicated solely to the furtherance of poetry on the national level and serves to unite poets in the bonds of fellowship and understanding.

They hold many annual poetry contests in March.

More Information Here


Farm Girl Press

Explores rural life through creative writing and visual art.

The Gilded Weathervane literary journal publishes poems, stories, essays, artwork, and photography that is grounded in the beauty and experience of rural living in its variety of expressions. 

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Published twice a year (in January and July), Plainsongs draws inspiration from the diversity of voices throughout the American Midwest and Great Plains regions to present thought-provoking new poetry from all fifty states and around the world.

Submission Guidelines


Prairie Schooner

A literary journal based at the University of Nebraska, in its 89th year of publishing quality poetry, fiction, essays, and reviews.

Submission Guidelines

Prairie Schooner literary journal, resouce for poets of Nebraska Poetry Society

Verses from the Plains

A Bi-Annual poetry collection published by the Nebraska Writer's Guild. They will be taking submissions again in 2022.

Get your copy here.

Nebraska Poetry Anthology, Verses of the Plains, Nebraska Poetry Society

The Good Life Review

A quarterly online literary journal committed to exploring the overlooked. Based out of Omaha, Nebraska—astride the oft unnoticed—they recognize that there are a myriad of voices that call the regions surrounding us home.

Submission Guidelines

Good Life Review Journal

The Nebraska Writer's Guild

Guild activities have traditionally centered on one or two annual conferences, held in larger communities around the state. Novelists and historians, poets and journalists, agents and publishers, editors and columnists ­ all have shared their insights on the art (and business) of writing at these conferences.

More Information Here

Nebraska Writers Guild resources for poets of Nebraska Poetry Society

Nebraska Writers Collective

Provides mentorship for writers at all stages of their journey in Midwest schools and correctional facilities. 

They also coach and host poetry out loud sessions and competitions.

Connect to NWC

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Fine Lines

Fine Lines is a quarterly journal of creative writing and artwork from authors of all genres, ages, abilities, and occupations. The journal seeks to provide insights for teachers and students, encourage discussion of writing in ways that cut across traditions. 

Submission Guidelines

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