Nebraska Slam Championship
Friday, February 21
Crescent Moon Coffee
140 N 8th St, Lincoln

Saturday, February 22
Shirley Tyree Theater
2401 N 24th St, Omaha

Championship Finals
Saturday, March 22
Joslyn Castle Carriage House
3902 Davenport St, Omaha

The winner of the Nebraska Poetry Society Slam Championship
will be named the 2025 Nebraska Slam Champion
and earn an NPS-sponsored spot in the
2025 BlackBerry Peach National Poetry Slam
held in Albuquerque, NM, July 23-26!
Lincoln Judges
To be announced soon
Omaha Judges
Joshua Hiykel
Alexis Mayer​
Serenity Dougherty
Colton Hoferer
Jeff Goff
Slam Rules
Each qualifier will accept up to 12 competitors. The round structure will be decided based on the number of competitors present. At the end of each qualifier, the top 4 competitors will be selected to move onto finals.
The slam will be conducted in 3 rounds. Order for the first round will be determined by random draw. For subsequent rounds, order will be determined by the scores of the poets, from highest to lowest. Scores for rounds 1 and 2 will be cumulative. For round 3, all scores will be reset and poets will compete with a clean slate.
For each round, scores will be provided by a panel of 5 judges, scoring on a scale from 1.0 - 10.0. The highest and lowest scores will be dropped for each poem to arrive at a total score ranging from 3.0 - 30.0. For purposes of breaking ties, the dropped scores will be added back in.
All poems in the championship will have a 3 minute time limit. For qualifiers there is a grace period of 10 seconds. For finals there is a grace period of 20 seconds. For every subsequent 10 seconds over the grace period, half a point will be deducted from that poem's score.
All poems must be the poet's original work. Samples are permissible, but must be credited. Poems cannot be repeated within a competition. Poems may be repeated between qualifiers and finals.
There are no props, musical accompaniment or costumes allowed.

BlackBerry Peach National Poetry Slam
July 23-28, 2025
at: Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel
Albuquerque, New Mexico
The National Competition is limited to 44 of the top spoken word poets from across the country. It is held by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS).
The Nebraska Poetry Society will reserve and pay the Berth ($185) for the winning poet from the NPS National Slam Tryouts. The winning poet will also receive a meal stipend. NPS will assist the winning poet in fundraising efforts to cover hotel and travel expenses.
First Place: $2,000
Second Place: $1,000
Third Place: $500
Fourth Place: $250
Fifth-Twelfth Place: $125
Sacrificial poet will receive $100
BlackBerry Peach National Slam Poetry Competition Itinerary
Wednesday, July 23, 2025 Friday, July 25, 2025
2:00 p.m. | Slam orientation 11:00 p.m. | NUPIC
6:30 p.m. | Prelims (Bouts 1 and 2)
8:30 p.m. | Prelims (Bouts 3 and 4) Saturday, July 26, 2025
10:30 p.m. | Themed Open Mic 6:30 p.m. | Haiku Slam
8:30 p.m. | Final Stage
Thursday, July 24, 2025 11:00 p.m. | Open Mic
6:30 p.m. | Prelims (Bouts 5 and 6)
8:30 p.m. | Prelims (Bouts 7 and 8)
10:30 p.m. | Themed Open Mic
Enchanting Words Poetry Convention
July 23-28, 2025
at: Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Register for Enchanting Words Poetry Convention
Conference $125
All Meals Package $351
9:00–3:00: Registration table opens
0:30–12:00: Open Mic Poetry Reading
12:00: Lunch on your own
10:00–3:00: Book Room Opens
2:00–3:00: Slam Orientation
3:00–4:30: Mini Workshop Sampler
3:00–5:30: NFSPS and New Mexico Speakers
5:30m–6:30: Pizza Party! Welcome to the Land of Enchantment
6:30–8:00: Reception Cash Bar
6:30–11:00: Blackberry Peach Poetry Slam ROUND ONE
THURSDAY, July 24,
9:30–5:00: Registration table opens
10:00–12:00: PANEL DISCUSSION, Moderator: Mary Oishi
Julie Cummings, Steven Concert, Palowski Moore, Scott Wiggerman
12:30: Lunch
1:00–4:00: Book Room opens for sale of books
1:30–2:00: Janet Ruth The Villanelle: Musicality of Rhyme and Repeated Lines
2:15–2:45: Jules Nyquist Writing a Roundelay
2:45–4:00: Write and Share
4:00–5:00: Book Room- meet authors and book signings
5:00–8:00: Reception Cash Bar
5:00– 6:15: OPENING Dinner
6:30–11:00: Blackberry Peach Poetry Slam ROUND TWO
11:00–12:00: Open Mic Poetry Reading
FRIDAY, July 25,
7:30–8:30: Open Mic Poetry Reading
10:00–11:00: Youth Poetry Workshop
11:15–12:15: Youth Poetry Workshop
11:00–12: Workshop for Adults with Diane Glancy
12:15–2:15: Luncheon - Taco Party
1:30–3:00m: Fun activity/fellowship for Youth Festival
2:45–4:15: YOU BE THE JUDGE
3:15–4:15: Youth Poetry Workshop
4:30–6:00: Youth Poetry Slam and open mic for all registrants
6:00–8:00: Reception Cash Bar
7:30–8:30: CUP Winners
8:45–10:00: Open Mic Poetry Reading
10:00 –12:00: NU PIC (slam event-all are welcome!)
New Mexico Poetry Society Showcase Day
SATURDAY, July 26,
7:30–8:30: Open Mic poetry reading
10:30–12:30: Performance Poetry Workshop
12:30–1:45: Luncheon
2:00–3:00: New Mexico Showcase
3:00–4:15: John Roche: Punctuate Your Poem for Punch
4:30–5:00: Autograph signing at book room for Speakers
5:00– 8:00: Reception Cash Bar
5:00–6:15: Dinner
5:45: Lauren Camp New Mexico Poet Laureate Showcased Poet
6:30–11:00: Blackberry Peach Poetry Slam, OUND THREE: FINALS
SUNDAY, July 27
8:00–9:00: Open Mic Poetry Reading
9:30–11:45: PANEL DISCUSSION: Every Culture has a Poem, Michelle Otero - Moderator
Naomi Shihab Nye, Diane Glancy, Lauren Camp, Hakim Bellamy, Kayleigh Stevens, Damien Flores
12:00–1:00: Luncheon
2:00–4:00: NAOMI SHAHIB NYE Poetry Reading
4:15–4:30: Autograph signing for keynote
6:00–8:00: Reception Cash Bar
6:00–8:30: Gala Dinner for all! Dress up in your finest!
7:30–8:30: Keynote Address Naomi Shihab Nye